Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Treatment Of Hepatitis In Cats

Find a Job: When panic stops being irrational (courtesy of Boadicea entry)

We call converted Generation, the Generation lost or worse. We are better prepared young people in the history of this country (not received university education, of course, we all know that poorly designed and any resemblance of the race with the reality of professional practice is purely coincidental), and despite this only we can reach unpaid senior professions ... and what we have.

The first of these professions was to study: race, masters or PhD's, thousand courses, languages, computers, ... The previous generation sold us the bike, taking a good CV and preparing thoroughly, we could focus on what we liked (the more daring even said we could choose work and enterprise) and we would be protected from poor working conditions and contracts that make slavery an afternoon picnic. Or we were playing a joke and we were too dumb to catch it, or our generation should demand that of our parents for fraud.

The second is to look for work. Whether as an intern or as a professional with little experience, routine is the same: send resumes spontaneously, travel companies trying to get an interview, look up contacts, attending events, respond to offers in which, after 10 minutes of being published, and are 350 candidates. In the latter case, they compete with experienced professionals willing to accept conditions quite embarrassing because we all need to work and taking family and / or mortgage, professional dignity is something you can not always afford.

We're sick of hearing that they will come times better than, better prepared to succeed or to be final the past that were supposed to be the best years of our lives studying is not a real waste. A look around enough to expose these lies. We are in the same circumstances that our comrades who devoted themselves to take the race by the hair and stuck living the good life partying 4 nights a week. At this point in the film, it is clear that they were really ready. The world is not fair, good triumphs over evil does not automatically horrible things happen to good people and deserve whatever (whether good or bad) rarely has anything to do to get it. We appreciate the intent but, please, change your argument. Already bought a bike at the time, do not need another.

As more and more companies move you visit, you become more aware that this situation is still far from being resolved and clearly see that, thinking as you think and function as does the bulk of the population, even though we are for as should be. Productivity and professionalism are annoying words or practice or want to practice. The crisis is the excuse happy fashion to justify poor results due to the ineffectiveness and inefficiency. Companies that have not been affected by the situation exploit it to exploit their workers, have fewer necessary staff, almost double the conference require overtime based unregistered and, of course, unpaid work to instruct trainees in need of an experienced hand, or recruit for tasks that previously were used to start and gain experience for people who lost his job in another company (of course, at bargain prices.) They are creating a gap through which we will become fellows of 40 years who obviously do not want to hire.

The more contacts you make and especially if some body contact, the clearer you that no matter what you do and how well you are able to do so. They complain about how bad everything is and that their mammoth companies suffer of anemia ... but in reality you need food, training and a considerable increase in muscle mass is the way they manage and, above all, to prioritize. Terms like effectiveness, efficiency or RSC value only image, expressions such as sustainable benefits or time attracting and retaining talent watusi they sound like. Meanwhile, we (engineers, doctors, lawyers, ...) we are content with being cashiers at McDonald's to make ends meet. Yes, I said "we are satisfied." To say that we would be glad too.

This takes its toll, and I mean just that our parents continue to have to stick to age quite indecent. I mean the emotional bill. You see that time passes and there is still much to get things fixed. Every time you have more questions than it actually has a solution and when you hear of to rebuild the capitalist, to rescue banks, and other herbs you go into a cold sweat. You realize that, the same as those self-appointed as responsible for solving it, are what created the problem and squeezed until the nausea to each and every one of the players in the system ... because they knew perfectly well what was to happen ( forgive me if I do not think he saw coming. For this was that be either very silly or be very blind, and not fill the jobs that these individuals have to be simple Muppet expensive suit.)

Slowly, the panic win the battle. In moments of serenity try to convince you that it is an irrational fear, that logic says this can not continue indefinitely ... until one day you realize that the "irrational" enough. Of course this can be extended and will, it is doing. Each interview you get (if you get any) may be the last in a long time. Remember how they have evolved expectations and time horizons that are made public regularly?

rules does not matter if the red team, blue, or green with polka dots. While companies, entrepreneurs and workers residing in the country of GH and save me, lack of strategic vision and overall, it will not matter what measures are taken (a good measure will become a useless measure in the same time people think earlier in take advantage of it in use). We live in the world of "we've always done it", but almost no one dares to say that this sentence is incomplete. If we become whole "ALWAYS BEEN DONE SO WELL ... AND AS WE ARE."


courtesy of Boadicea.


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