not know why but I have days remembering you and wondering: I remember someone Sergio?
remember the 1st time we spoke.
was chatting him 5 years ago.
Pili to invite me to come in and there were you with your radio Online.
I hesitated because of age and I gave you beer.
I dedicate songs every day.
I rejoice in the morning.
We spent hours and hours, leaving us the fingers on the keyboard and eyes on the monitor.
were talking of the human.
were talking of the divine.
We laughed. We cried.
Your problems were my problems.
just did not know you but I'm fond of you quickly.
made you want for your way of being.
Shortly after we write to speak on skype.
Nights and nights of laughter in mass lectures. Memorable moments
had problems at home.
find a solution.
both knew that the solution was to escape and were going to do.
remember the tragic morning booster final day after going to happen.
I saw bad, really bad.
drunk, semi-conscious.
I spoke and said nothing.
not know what to do.
were so far away that it hurt to see you in that situation and not do anything.
But in a second sacastes some sanity into your reaccionastes momentary madness.
spend a day in a sinvivir until night came and you gave signs of life.
me you said you were going, but you had no fixed destination.
I offered my house and aceptastes because they had no choice.
I was your momentary salvation.
Hours later I was at the airport, waiting.
I could not believe.
was going to finally meet the situation although it was not the right time.
nerves were killing me.
not stop smoking.
And suddenly there you were.
I could not believe.
With your bags on their backs in which they carry throughout your life.
Just talk.
was a strange situation.
I knew my house and my company was desperate to patch you gave the leap across the pond.
That was your final destination.
she was waiting for you there.
were days strangers. Aprendistes
only move fast around here despite never having been in these parts.
guide and I made you cry on I served.
mourn not the same thing virtually than face to face.
had always told me you were strong, hard, who had never cried.
But during your brief stay llorastes. You
made us both good. He still
to escape your crazy idea and I support it.
wanted see you happy.
5 days later opted to return home to try to tie up the ends before the big jump.
I do not give good thorn is that where you were going to do.
But I was not who to stop and let you go. That
gnawed inside me. Before you go
two gifts you made me in tears, your bedside book "Shibumi" and a kiss that touched my soul.
was more than likely you will never see again and that hurt.
You could not imagine how.
I called every day to know how things went and you told me that well.
returning to the islands to fix something that probably would not fix.
begged you not to.
to start from scratch with her and forget the past.
If you did not me. Eras
stubborn and pigheaded as I am and that was your downfall.
days passed.
did not know anything about you.
not answer my calls or my messages and I created an unbearable anguish.
What could I do?
felt that something was wrong.
was in trouble and you did not have to turn to.
And one night the phone rang.
I looked at the screen and it was your number.
But my heart told me something was wrong.
And so it was.
answered and across a woman's voice said my name.
I got scared.
That was the voice of your mother.
His words were brief: Sergio is no longer with us. We left.
At that moment I wanted to die.
broke into a huge sea of \u200b\u200btears.
could not breathe.
could not with life.
I do not want to believe.
were no longer.
You had gone forever.
had opted for the quick fix, cowardly and selfish.
Saltastes this ocean that I had seen grow and acabastes everything.
were so young and with so much life ahead of me not entered his head.
not understand nothing but explanations were not to ask.
blame me day and night for failing to do anything else for you.
And today, when I come to mind, I'm blaming me.
If I was your friend that I did not do more to help you get out of the well where were you?
Friends are for good and for evil, and wise enough that you could count on me to do anything but silent preferistes.
know that you were not selfish, but then you went so very much.
Now I'm the one in that well, but I'll go.
I will not be like you.
Even without the necessary support'll succeed.
thanks to you I've seen what happens vi when one is contained in itself and I do not like.
why I write now?
Because I miss you and remember you every day more and I do not think that is good.
needed to tell you everything that you could say in life. Sorry
I am very sorry to have been more helpful at the time.
Had been so perhaps things would have been different.
Surely now would be there or maybe here.
do not know, but you would be the only thing that would count.
Hope you are well up there and be happy.
not much believe in the afterlife but the day I see you can be sure that a couple of hosts you will carried by this Basque loved you and you still want quantity.
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