On Friday I went down to Madrid. But this time was no express check out, I had all weekend (almost)
Around 11 and walked by these dollars and the first person I saw was a @ joquediallevo
Paco the driver. A very majete with whom I went to take a cafelete to Hontanares to time.
I owed it the other day and as a man of his word paid his debt.

After a ratejo appeared @ Rebeca_LL
hardly recognize her with her glasses and her cleavage tó fashion.
We went to Principe Pio in search of World PDA, but it turned out that confused me stop and we saw a man walk to ná.
These things happen when you do not succeed with the plans.
as that was closed we went for Callao.
had been there with @ Yolanda_Vslynk (the blonde), who had been waiting a while to eat.

We arrived and were with her @ Jorgekalel and a kid who almost killed.
I do not like kids but that got over the end of hate.
When education is not taught a child what happens happens, is dedicated to insult and the others laugh thanks.
Moving on ....
appeared a Swede who had been the blonde and we were still waiting for @ Dear_Floppy and a colleague of this.
@ Rebeca_LL
left. He emerged an uncompromising but we were to see each other at night. Around
16 @ Dear_Floppy appeared with Mr and took the opportunity to go in search of what he needed to FNAC but there was none.
In that span of time I lost the blonde and Swedish, so I went to lunch with the other two. We went up Malasaña
to leave my backpack at the home of Bob's fellow @ Dear_Floppy and went to eat a dog to a joint German.

I walked out of battery and were due to @ Otrodok because I had to sleep at home and had stayed with him.
The owner of the gambling den leave me a while to load the phone and while there, he appeared with his Swedish blonde.
mysteries of life ....
we caught our puppies and we leveraged on a little square to eat.
The Swedish blonde and got the pyro.
had other things to do ....
I was alone with the dynamic duo.
What a pair! To
time we got into Bob's house to breweries.
On the 19 and had remained in a fixed location with @ Otrodok so we went to where it was the waiting.
I left the duo and we went home to drop off my backpack and rest a bit until the 21, hour after he had been with others in Callao. Initially had kept
@ Mrpopster , @ mezzanine , @ _Alwayscandy , @blankita_79 , @rikkura y un par mas, pero por causas ajenas no pudieron venir ese día.
También quería ver a @Ivo_campos @vexerina y a @lugonlo pero estaban en el Congreso que había ese finde en Madrid.
Cerca de las 22 estábamos en Callao esperando a los otros ( @anti000 + un amigo de ella y @EdoHdezG )
Cuando ya estábamos juntos nos fuimos a tomar algo por ahí.
Nos sentamos en una terracita ya que la noche acompañaba y empezaron a aparecer los típicos que te intentan vender de tó.
@Otrodok que estaba inspired each time one of those saying something, telling them his life (almost) and were withdrawing the mission.
Meanwhile, I received a couple of emails and some calls I'd rather not remember because as I do want to kill my @ Dear_Floppy will grow again ....
A @ Otrodok
he came to call angelfmarin @ @ Rebeca_LL who was with the presentation of "The Chronicles of Maia" a series of internet or something and off we went.
There was a lot cheeper and much gafapasta in place.
But most importantly, had drinks and free food. So ask
@ Otrodok for sushi ... A series
barely pay attention. I just remember a cat that she appeared. We saw
@ MariTriniGiner .
impoverishment! Any friend of the alien's had raised their precious MAC.
salute @ Rebeca_LL who was very lost and @ angelfmarin when we were going.
they said they were going home, so we follow the 3 alone out there.
@ @ Otrodok vexerina call but in the end we could not see.
was tired and happy with your iPad and went to sleep.
Walking, walking we reach the sun room with intent to enter, but someone thought better and went home like a good little children to sleep.
the morning you touch the moral @ Otrodok woke up at 9 in the intend to go tomorrow, again, World PDA.
What was my surprise to see that this was closed.
An early start at all.
And we do? Where Next? Xanadu
A, the Apple store and half breakfast. While there
@ nievescorleone called and stayed with her to eat.

We pick it up and we went to eat at a Chinese.
I put a few laughs listening to war stories several that had these two on someone very "special "....
After lunch we get to Callao.
@ nievescorleone was left with a couple of her friends and incidentally, we took a couple of coffees due to check in at Starbucks (as it should be)
I had never been in the Temple Debod so good advantage that by afternoon we went up there.

reflexs spent the time counting. The need to give away with the grain (I think)
nievescorleone @ The Friends had to leave because one of them had lost the phone.
I doubt very much he was found.
already beginning to cool and I was left with CondeBond and @ @ nkkita but was not sure where and the battery is me going to die.
the end and is in a fixed place with them and got ready to go.
Along the way we find oriateka and @ @ mmetafetan .
@ nievescorleone saw them by chance. We stayed a ratejo
talking to them.
About 20 were already waiting for Prosperity that pair of two who had wanted so much to see.
nkkita @ @ CondeBond and appeared soon after and went to breweries.
My bus was leaving at 1.30 and so I could swing a lot. @ Otrodok
told me to stay if I wanted, but I seemed to abuse his hospitality.
We leave that pair of two and we went home to do a bit of time before I left.
killed in home time doing a few laughs on # Twitter and trolling slightly to the rhythm of pipes and Rick Astley.
At about 1 I caught my backpack, @ Otrodok caught the car and I get to Avenida America.
the host is a good kid. Yes
And that was my weekend mini Madrid.
was not as expected but not bad.
Now let some time pass before repeating that if I do it with the frequency with which she used to me being in the Madriles faileth.
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