fucking hate living in a roller coaster all day.

I'm never quiet since I live there. Now I'm up
of all, enjoying the scenery and seconds later I'm visiting hell. And

I do not like what I see.
I get out of it, but not by as.
I know, but I can not jump or I have the courage to do so.
desperate cry for help, but nothing. It is so wind
drown my sorrow and no one knows I'm there.
I or should I be invisible.
Sometimes it seems that someone listens to me, but hear me do nothing.
They look, expecting to see the jump. Perhaps
morbidity, perhaps by impotence.
But stay there, no more.
Maybe my fault me locked in my particular mountain ignore these faint whispers that come to me.
is a daily nightmare.
Unbearable to any human being.
not recommend anyone live like me, or my worst enemy.
live on the edge of sanity. Grazing
dangerously insane.
need to find the balance but it is not mine.
not walk the tightrope, but I do it in a while.
I have so much weight that I'll fall over if not able to stabilize.
Someone had to warn about the dangers of living on a roller coaster.
delusions due to lack of oxygen to the brain.
are noted and side effects in me, no?
Insomnia takes hold of my night after night.
What causes fear.
Fear of falling.
not want to fall, just want to get off.
Help me to do so.

I empujéis.
Just give me a hand or indicadme the easiest way to leave the mountain.
I got tired of it.
I thought it was so bad to live in there because I was a point of insight to see things from another perspective that made me feel good.
But that feeling disappeared.
was just an optical illusion.
prefer to see reality and the shit that surrounds me storey, but stumble at every second, to live in fear of falling and not get up again.
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