Monday, January 31, 2011

Puppy Throws Up Bile In Morning

Words of a tireless campaigner Dame Averil Cameron

While some of what price is to be me completely from the atheist side, I can not pass up this statement of principles that Don Samuel Ruiz made in this text taken from the Historical Archives of the National Mediation Commission in its digital version.

pastoral exhortation





To all the faithful of the Diocese.

Dear children:

I. A serious threat:

Because proximity of a storm is anticipated and announced herself with the black clouds, the wind and lightning, and now on the world and our country the threat of a storm sweeping is being advertised with the clouds of hatred, injustice and lightning storms of a moral derangement, where they mix the crimes, mistakes and general disorientation.

This corner of the republic, not without agitation, more devoid of strong Diocese other organizations, with a precarious number of priests who defended the wolf into the fold of the Lord with a situation social injustice more acutely than elsewhere, with an invidious racial discrimination, with a contemptuous attitude toward the Sacrament of Marriage with the prevailing confusion in the educated classes, is easy prey humanly speaking of the avalanche that trying to overthrow everything.

II. Obligation Pastor:

floating in the atmosphere feel the desire of our diocese to hear the voice of the Shepherd to guide them in such anxious moments, which is consistent with our duty to Pastor beautifully stated by the Apostle S. Paul when he recommended to Timothy: "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and his coming and his kingdom: preach the word calls for time and out of season, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and rebukes by continuing in the teaching (2 Tim. 4 et seq.) and obligation to teach and preach our most urgent sense, the more we see that match the distressed circumstances that caused the board of S. Paul, for now fulfilled what he said, "... desires to themselves teachers take on teachers ... and deflect their ears from the truth ..." (2 Tim. 4.3)

behind a doctrine that takes the banner of social justice, Communism has been infiltrated by wielding the ancient weapon of falsehood, hypocrisy, deceit and slander, having achieved many look at the hammer and sickle as a symbol of freedom and social redemption, without perceiving the red background of countless sins and crimes that this destructive tax system has been placed where its oppressive grip or BLACK background of his true doctrine, based on the denial of God, denies everything accordingly to the leads: Religion, freedom, human spirituality, the concept of good and evil, the very idea of justice, the notion of moral conscience, no repair to justify and defend as good and anything required leading to the final goal is to stop state where the history of mankind, ie, the state supreme arbiter in a dream that economic equality, distribute fees and charges, and benefits offices, ideas and instructions, work and bread to the members of what can not be called even a communist society, because this name can not be where there is no authority but despotism, or subjects, but mere cogs in a state machine.

What else can you expect from an ideology that not only deny God, but is determined to destroy the souls the very idea of \u200b\u200bGod? Can a system that puts as a basis for structuring the surprising claim that no more reality than matter, bring happiness to man, if it is considered within the system as an animal, either the most noble, whose only requirement would be to have full stomach? Will it justice and equity where there exists only the consideration of economic laws? Will there be social balance when judged only way to establish order, triggering class hatred and encouraging disorder, retaliation and crime?.

But we should not forget that Communism is rigidly logical and consistent with its principles, and imposes order and the only language that an animal-man-can understand: the language of force.

III. Catholic Obligation:

light of the observation of these facts, the ever-Catholic and less now, "is content to observe and contemplate with lamentations and ineffective critical development of events, but must act presence in this battle without boundaries, with real weapons, weapons of the spirit.

David was an inexperienced youngster Goliath and a huge warrior who intimidated the soldiers of Saul, but God put his arm strength of David. No won with sword or spear, but in the name of the Lord (I Sam. 17) It seems that today history repeats itself. Insulting a powerful enemy, destroy, burn. In its wake devastating nations have fallen and trained with the spoils of their victims a formidable empire where the terror, hunger, lack of freedom and above all, the official absence of God, these things mentioned, can not make us understand the tragic significance. Before this enemy appears weak, a Church which has no nuclear weapons, consisting mainly of poor people, with an organization that is far from anything military, with a force that despises the enemy, as Goliath the slingshot of David.

But his strength is his strength, the strength of God. And the crossroads that the Church has been through in the span of twenty centuries of existence, are clear signs that current will always be the words of its founder: "I am with you always until the end of time" (Mt . 28.20). While the presence of Christ in the history of the Church is not synonymous with inactivity.

Four media main act, among many others, we bring to our dear children in these fateful moments:

a. PRAYER: Now that we have been convinced that God is our salvation, even within the field of history, our primary concern is to make-whether it is the phrase "pressure to heaven. If the removal of God and the pride of mankind today have led to failure of the man who conquered space, but is inept to solve the vital issues that concern their living together, the closer to God by prayer, and bring us inner peace that comes from the line of duty, such as peace in human relationships. For although God knows on any of this century, wanted to make the granting of many things to our prayers, to which Christ promised infallible performance by saying, "if anything ask the Father, I grant it for myself" (Jn. 16, 24).

The efficacy of prayer increased when individual prayer becomes communal prayer, because Christ promised the latter, more than efficiency, his special presence "... wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them "(Mt 18, 20).

particular spiritual feel joy in recommending to our children to pray the family Rosary, which as deep David, Diocesan cross imposing a channel added to the National Campaign and the Americas, overthrow undoubtedly the Modern Goliath, who fall at the feet of the Gospel.

is to say that our prayer should include our enemies, who fooled around, pressed other, perhaps well-intentioned some special need supernatural help to get out of the category of enemies God of the Church that have been placed.

Moreover, it is well known that our prayer in any way preclude our responsibility to act according to divine will, as Jesus himself warns us not to seriously find the Kingdom of Heaven who claims the Lord! Lord! But keep the commandments.

b. ILLUSTRATION: People who naively had thought that is embraced communism when the stomach is empty, should recognize that currently, not only in our Homeland, the land of conquest and the impact force is formed by students rather than workers or peasants.

The struggle has arisen in the realm of ideas. Thus the Catholic, by the following chapter, is more liable to what is still to have a minimum flow of religious instruction that goes beyond what is strictly necessary and should be extended to the Church's social doctrine, at least to most important guidelines.

We are not in the brevity of this pastoral exhortation, elongated in the development of this doctrine, for we make it more widely within a short time, we settle for now to recall how Catholicism, from the existence of God and the revelation of knowledge that can give us down here, 'a concept the human person and dignity that is central to the structuring of human society. This concept, nor is the concept of capitalism that makes man a way to higher profits, nor that of Communism that makes it a complicated piece of gear, for utility and service which is exclusively for the individual. Catholicism affirms the value of the individual and the individual as something which by its origin and destination, is above any other being of the natural world.

Man is created by God, is the work of their hands, because although secondary causes providential hand led her to give reason for the formation of the body, the soul that shines by its attributes spiritual, essentially independent of matter, is not the result of physical or chemical forces, but the result of a creative act.

And if this were not enough not satisfied his Maker with a destination set you as a bodily and spiritual nature, but it rose above the demands of his being as the sublime dignity as children of God, giving, in his infinite mercy and love, the right to possess and enjoy without limits with the contemplation of the Trinity. Recovery in Christ, of that lost treasure, more elevated in human nature because it had been assumed by Christ in the Incarnation.

Whence it follows that is not age, not their qualities, not their income or their ability to work, that shows us the value of man, but his spiritual being, the independence of matter and its dependence on Divine Likeness of God and affiliation sanctifying grace divine.

already seen that these principles lead to the acceptance of substantial equality and inequality of men accidental. God created man, he has received from the human nature is essentially the same, whatever their race or language, and placed in the visible creation, humanity all the same maker gives the power to dominate over visible creation. But the law, which, in principle, all men would have to possession of all, is conditioned by the physical, intellectual and moral possessed in varying degrees by individuals.

The demand to live in society, in which men are joining efforts for the enforcement of the common good, provides other differences social functions that the individual has to exercise and hierarchy required by the order.

These diversities and differences noted, cause according to the nature of man, differences in the distribution of goods, provided that the inequalities physical, intellectual and moral men translate into different capacity acquisition and compensation indiversa economic. But if the acquisition of goods without leaving the channels of commutative justice would bring stark differences, social justice, human dignity based on the one hand and Christian love the other, require that these differences are tempered. Failure to recognize more title to the property have the purchasing power of the job, what would the disabled and unfit for example?

may be also a weak legal regime in which directly or indirectly, but wrongfully, is favored some more than others. In this case, that is the capitalist system and laws inspired by the French Revolution to the breath of liberalism, requires a review of the legal system, modifying it to enable them all without preference classes, aim for a minimum of social welfare to enable them to live according to human dignity.

Al be the case that inequality of property is differentiated abused by evil men and the oppression of the strong over the weak, it is clear that social justice is incompaginable with such abuses that under no circumstances must exist and should be punished.

The Church was instituted by Christ to provide or implement any particular economic system or ideology is bound in a particular scheme, but for the purpose afterlife where it leads men have something to say always that the dignity of man is despised, or even more, when it is threatened by the roots of true happiness that God has intended. The Church has not only the right but the duty to teach the truth and condemn the error of all those realities that cut across his saving mission.

When the Church condemnation, as it has done, to Communism and states that are not member of those who accept their ideology, propagated in some way, give your name to the party, read, retain or disseminate communist journals, to do so because they speak to distribute wealth more equitably or because they advocate an economic system as such, the Church declares emphatically that communism as a philosophical system is wrong to deny the existence of God, moral, religion, spirituality of the soul and all that with these truths is attached, the Church claims that the political-economic system than Communism and the means to supplant it uses are in conflict with the true freedom, justice and morality. And just as the capitalist system fails a man whose conception is an instrument of profit, and that liberal law on the pretext of protecting human freedom, not repress the abuses of the powerful over the weak.

c. ACTIVE PRESENCE: The Catholic, in addition to having clear and sufficient knowledge of this doctrine so succinctly stated, is to work to put it into practice in their relationships.

dogmatic and moral truths, unlike claims scientific subject requiring a position of our will and conformity of our conduct to them.

Greater responsibility, therefore, has the Catholic who deliberately fed around him a situation of social injustice. Reprehensible injustice is subhuman wages paid many who wish to be considered as Catholics online. Reprehensible injustice is the abuse of the lender which yield more than the sums of money interests that the shortage does ask the underdog. The reprehensible injustice is the deceiver than distant and vague promises advantage of the ignorance and poverty that exploits craves a piece of land to have to put in their mouths. Reprehensible injustice and contempt, but still, deception and theft committed with our indigenous children suffered. Reprehensible injustice is a way of life of slavery point unless they lie neglected in many places our farmers, who are condemned to work on behalf of employers for a petty unjust pay

Justice social condemns all that, and the true Catholic is the first to sponsor a change in which human dignity is fully safeguarded.

Look well, therefore, that social justice is not synonymous with coordination of beneficence, but the fulfillment of a strict duty to properly regulate human relationships.

d. UNIT: It should be noted, finally, dear children, that our salvation history will surely find it in our solidarity and unfailing adherence to Peter, now known as John XXIII and the recognition and enforcement of the doctrine of the Gospel and Papal directives. Being built on this solid rock, partake of Christ's promise: "Your are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will never prevail against it "(Mt. 16, 18).

The Church never fear the battles of history by itself, but by their children. She knows that every crossroad out more refreshed than before.


enemies know it too, hence in this fight against Communism is not Capitalism, Communism but against religion - "Opium of the people" - wherever that nefarious system has put his claw, his concern first, at least in intent, but in execution, is the decapitation of the Church, expulsion of the Hierarchy, shackling of some, slander and vilification campaign for all, the systematic shutdown of the hierarchy with Rome, and faithful to their pastors, these are the methods used, along with that put constant vigilance not to make martyrs of the prisoners, but robots do and say what they want, thanks to sophisticated modern methods of physical and mental torture.

This campaign has already begun in our country. Have been stoned schools and temples, have attempted coups, misleading organize campaigns and petitions for signatures to join people working for Russia, has launched an ambitious plan to discredit the priest, in our own state capital does a Church that calls itself Mexican orthodox Catholic.

But these enemies of God does not know that there is an inner strength in the Church a supernatural vitality which sustains it afloat in the twentieth century career above all sea floods History.

Looking the urgency of the moment, like when a fire threatens to consume all forces come together and revive the human collaboration, so now the faithful leaving any spirit of division, discord all resentment and all form a tight bundle around the Bishop, around his pastor, because it requires our membership of this Mystical Body of Christ and the emergency we are facing.

How we want our alarm reached the very heart of our separated brethren! These consist of perhaps staying in good faith in the doctrines of evangelical calls, that given the current circumstances, undermine Catholicism is to undermine the spiritual stronghold, the only true-to stop the advance of the aptly named "Asian barbarism." That could read the high unit designs that God has linked to the presence of this formidable enemy of Western culture, of every religion and every order.

In short, all men of good will, all those who feel discomfort by the injustices of our materialist century, all those who live in the flesh, the urge in the Lord to close ranks, and renewed their arrests at a better life, are soldiers advanced to spread the true doctrine of social justice and to strive to realize their office or wherever its influence permits.

Communism will have fulfilled its historic mission arises a new social order inspired by tyranny, or the predominance of one social class over another, but on justice and Christian charity projected toward the formation of a world no longer human but divine, that is, formed after the heart of God and united to form this pyramid whose base is built on the land and its summit enters heaven the words of the Apostle of the people: "All things belong to you ... but ye are Christ's and Christ is God." (I. Cor. 3, 21-23)

Given in the city of San Cristobal de las Casas, in the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, October 2, 1961.

(Signature and Seal)

+ Samuel Ruiz GarcĆ­a

Bishop of Chiapas

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Anita Blonde Database

about a month ago, more or less, I started a course.
not know what is that?
Yes, dammit!
This is done to fatten the CV
What you do When you got nothing better to do.
That caused a considerable reduction in the list of unemployed.
You know what I mean?
For that very reason.
is a course which I did not write down me. But when you
recipient or applicant for any financial assistance you must do so
balls. I do not dislike
course, since all that is learning is great.
But ....
Let the subject.
is a course (attention!!) Mechanical and handling forklifts.

Exciting, eh!
I signed up for one that was out there Almacenera / carter but
see the computer thought it would be the same and end up in that.
And the lords of Lanbide / Inem they get something that should not be very legal
I "invited" cordially do without being in possession of B
(required unfailingly to handle that)
The first day (January 3) were 12 in class.
Some students of diverse cultures.
A Bolivian, a pre-retiree, a borrokilla a pijito, 3 Pakistani, a Nigerian, a Chinet, a villager, a gypsy and a servant.
As to what looks like a UN headquarters, right?
And I'm out of place, right? Finally ....
director of the center to introduce the course.
Aina, a girl mu maja but says things like "You have dark circles.
Take a tila"
We said it was a course of 3-month internship with a company with
And that consisted of several asiganturas language arts, mathematics, techniques
job search, occupational risk prevention, basic computer,
mechanics, truck driving, industrial relations and social networks.
language and math? And that? asked the espaƱolitos.
She told us that the Basque Government in all its courses requires
core subjects is due to the high number of immigrants. Stem
? NMJ! Not that we should college!
So in a democratic vote by the
espaƱolitos unanimously decided we could smoke those classes.
And she did not object.
The next day was starting to miss people.
The pyro was posh. He said the first day that it was not for him and Goodbye!
stayed 11.
The ideal number for a game, right?
That day was "Social Networking" and Ainara, mu maja it caught me as
attached. She spent tooooooooooooooooda
class with speaking urdu pakis
and left me in charge of the others so that they talked about the issue. Flip
colorful but accept.
was in my salsa and me pass as a midget in a ball park.
me feel important to see how a small number of tiarrones
I paid attention while giving explanations on the relevant Internet search
work (mission impossible) and
as creating a profile on Facebook, Twitter and others.
Over the days are still picking up people.
The Chinet, a pakis, the villager, Nigeria and the gypsy in Week 2
We were 6 and down.
You can see the desire that people have of course, huh?
In that week we knew the computer teacher, Luis. Menudo
enlightened! Too technical for me
taste and gives me such a stupor that I can not
going to overrun by the living. Bill Gates is believed at least.
to me to fuck me I used to know when the first walkman? And
the first computer?
That helps me if I go to "Learn and earn" because to find work as
no, no? On top
devoted to pirate consoles and phones in the playground.
If you need, you know who to call: A super-Luis.
also met Albert, the driving profession.
reminds me of a cross between Carlos Moya and a fanner of Justin Bieber.
Care! Beware! Changes everything! A right! Ras! To the left! Ras! Straighten, straightening
! but screaming as possessed.
And Sergio, the professor of mechanics.

is a good teacher, because as for me everything is new
bother to thoroughly explain everything, everything, everything.
Other bored to death because they understand the mechanics
be guys (it must carry the genes)
Sergio this week left me in charge of the class on Wednesday because he was not going
to give time to come.
I told him to charge and just laughed.
was a simple task. We send
internet search engines four-stroke gasoline and
me a summary (Sergio dixit)

And they did to perfection and without protest. Moreover
. They told me not bored me as much as with Sergio.
course! They were his ball in the MSN (you know to use it) and watching Youtube videos
falls and aunts.
To date we were 5 only.
One left the course to be very sick daughter.
I think it's the only one that was justified.
played Friday Sergio and Alberto.
finally encourage me to try to drive the truck, but thanks to my clumsiness
wheel and yelling hysterically almost shot Alberto aunt's wardrobe to hit the
Nothing happened.
It came a couple of screws and scratch along the side of the machine, but
nothing that can not be fixed.
Then we played with Sergio and in the middle class appeared
Ainara a huge box.
were condoms!
The Basque government also included in sexual education courses.


And there are 2 months.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christian Retirement Verses

I'm Living in a rollercoaster

fucking hate living in a roller coaster all day.

I'm never quiet since I live there. Now I'm up
of all, enjoying the scenery and seconds later I'm visiting hell. And
I do not like what I see.
I get out of it, but not by as.
I know, but I can not jump or I have the courage to do so.
desperate cry for help, but nothing. It is so wind
drown my sorrow and no one knows I'm there.
I or should I be invisible.
Sometimes it seems that someone listens to me, but hear me do nothing.
They look, expecting to see the jump. Perhaps
morbidity, perhaps by impotence.
But stay there, no more.
Maybe my fault me locked in my particular mountain ignore these faint whispers that come to me.
is a daily nightmare.
Unbearable to any human being.
not recommend anyone live like me, or my worst enemy.
live on the edge of sanity. Grazing
dangerously insane.
need to find the balance but it is not mine.
not walk the tightrope, but I do it in a while.
I have so much weight that I'll fall over if not able to stabilize.
Someone had to warn about the dangers of living on a roller coaster.
delusions due to lack of oxygen to the brain.
are noted and side effects in me, no?
Insomnia takes hold of my night after night.
What causes fear.
Fear of falling.
not want to fall, just want to get off.
Help me to do so.
I empujƩis.
Just give me a hand or indicadme the easiest way to leave the mountain.
I got tired of it.
I thought it was so bad to live in there because I was a point of insight to see things from another perspective that made me feel good.
But that feeling disappeared.
was just an optical illusion.
prefer to see reality and the shit that surrounds me storey, but stumble at every second, to live in fear of falling and not get up again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Difference Acne And Impetego


envy my cats. They are happy and their unique concerns are eating and sleeping. When I see them curled on themselves think that would give anything to be a cat. But not a snobby cat. No. A feral cat, scarred, dirty, cross-eyed, lame, pulgoso. Of those who spend the night meowing on the roof, seeking shelter in dark alleys, living picking through trash. A cat scares those who outside, but once you wash your face and cures his wounds you discover how beautiful it is. I dream I'm a cat and lose myself in the night, free, without direction, without looking back. I am a lonely cat. Grunted, snorted, I scratch and bite. I do not like to touch me or look me other congeners. Reuyo any contact. I am very suspicious. My wounds me to be so. Many clubs feline received in my life, so many that I only got one life to live from 7 had. Occasionally I get to sniff a helping hand, but my intuition as active feline escaped. And always keep running away and every day I return an elusive cat.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Difference Between 945gm Chipset And 4500 Mhd

Recalling good old days. Smoke and Mirrors

Was just over a year but I wanted to put it here.
No more.
November 29, 2009

-------------------------------- -------------
TRIP TO MADRID -------------------

Ayayayayaya .... what a day on 27!!
I thought it was a day in Madrid but it was not.
Globomedia went from public to (again) and go as early-morning as usual, at 6:15 am (is bad not to live in the capital but it was worth more than ever the early start)
Type 7 am Vane came and went sightseeing in Madrid, after breakfast on a budget few clubs, and cola-cao cafelete.
I said were reductions in Custo Barcelona, \u200b\u200bso in passing, went to see what could be purchased there. Around 11
we Globo and we were expecting another boy, a friend of Vane (sorry but I forgot the name because of the excitement of this morning .. shh .. shut up ...)
We took the data and went for a ride that to good advantage despite the cold.
caught the child comes for a skecth and took him to wear when we returned the little walk to the entrance. They put monisisisisimo
;) and gave us a tad of envy: First time in Globe, the first time in SLQH and appeared in a skecth! But we are happy for him. At about 15h
we went to the plate and it showed they were fast (typically on Fridays) so divine
Pati appeared as usual and started the program. We were a bit
flies because appeared Alber instead of Angel but hey .... I imagined
Alber doing QEP and less evil .... because without Angel as he would not be the same.
appear already when we saw him we relax
Vane and I went out at half-smoke and I started talking to Tino a rating. That
know me.
He says Woman, you here again? At the end you get to live here
ehh I laughed and went to speak with a very nice couple who had been invited by Glomedia from Figueres Barcelona, \u200b\u200bto discuss their views on what they were seeing so far and they said they were delighted . Finish
between smoking and it was very cold and was nearly out the rest. Go ahead
QEP's table and waved me Vane: Dani was there.
So I greet and talk a little in this plan.
Me: Hi Dani!! What happens?? Dani
: Man! Your Here!
Me: You see, as always
Dani: Hey, I read this morning that you were going to Oviedo. If they do not stop aunt!
Me: No, no, not going to Oviedo are you after! If you do not stop your man!! And I see that you have read very badly.
Dani: Oh yes, yes, I go, but anyway .. are you coming to Oviedo??
Me: Nooo, noo, but .. if you take me I
Dani: The hell
Me: (cri, cri, cri ... there was silence ...)
Dani: Tia, I think you have to find a hobby, no, do houses with sticks or something
Me: Uhm ... I'm on it but for now prefer to do other things

And burst out laughing
Miracles saw me echo the anger because they can not be upset when they are at rest, because they are reviewing, we already knew, but good. .... Mila
As I said this, some girls took a stick to Dani and take pictures, when Mila saw them and eat them almost immediately jump Dani: Mea culpa, mea culpa, I let them come closer
and that was the thing.
continued the program until the second break normally until Gonzalo said Ten minutes!
That was a descojone. Pati
began to hear music with your phone and began to dance in the chair. From
control pricked him the same song and started dancing like a madwoman, go-go type of Pacha
The audience began to clap to the rhythm of the music and she grew up, so I got on the ramp that is near the display face and disheveled but
Bailo on the table, on the couch ..
up everywhere and was worth seeing but the faces of Dani and Angel who were finishing their section
The review looked at plan! REALLY IS CRAZY!
Too bad you can not record or take pictures
within the program and we truly stampede because no one was left inside, and we caught a courtyard next to the bathrooms.
He was taking pictures with people and such, and then we salute
Pati: wapaaa Hello!
Me: Hi Pati !!!!!
BESACE I gave two as usual and asked if I could save it by sending a saludin a friend, Sofia, who was Malita and could not go see it and agreed delighted
talked a bit more later but as she was taken in haste, so we went to wait for the others, hoping to see Angel.
At the entrance were the cars, so I was still there.
First out was Dani. I did
gesture that piraba so I said nothing, but threw up a few that were there and is as nice as he stayed to sign and take pictures of the rally.
Look back to see if it was Angel's car and my luck was still there. In the meantime
Aida came out of that chance, that day was gabando
And we took some photos with a couple of rally but total production that said they were cansaitos and were in a hurry. Serian
as Trembler 18:30 and saw the output: it was Angel !!!!!
So I started to zoom in on the car, which was launched with the inside and had me a little scared if I had passed but he did
I went to the door when I get my height and under the window with a smile
I: Angel! Hello! (I'm the girl HOLA!)
Angel: Heyyy! What happens?
I: I can take a picture with you??
Angel: Yes, of
woman got out of the car and I gave the camera
Vane for the RICE and while talking with a little
Me: porphine! It is difficult to see
Angel Angel: No woman, I'm always in a hurry
Me: I am disappointed to see you in Barcelona
Angel: It's all women, and there will be more;)
After that will allow it to make photos with others and sign autographs and when I am free again asked for a little something more.
I: Angel, I can ask one more thing?
Angel: Tell me woman, it is not hard;)
Me: I can record yourself by sending a greeting to a friend who could not come because it is the flu??
Angel: Look, you are weary with the greetings ehhh (smiling) Come on, how's your friend??
Me: Sofia
stood before the camera and record it
More majete !!!!!!!
After that I thanked him, he said that nothing and gone !!!!!!
Mission accomplished I met Angel!! Yujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
As there was already all sold pescao, we went to the center that had theater tickets to see Comedy good comic dead, Ricardo Castellanos and Juan Diego Martin.
the great work!! It has everything, monologues, music, action, mess, laughter and more laughter
Finish up crying and everything
am looking forward to the exit to greet you and us with them fotacas unsa.
came out, we greet, we took photos and went to dinner with the others who had been to go to Galilee to see Reyes and Sevilla
The Anur room and I met some friends of her and Paula, days ago, told me that would be in Madrid this weekend was a
Kdada species but have been
The show as always. That pair of two, Reyes and Sevilla, as Harold as always
Come on, it was a little round
The rest day is another story





Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trading Silverleaf Timeshare For Cruise

about a year ago or so, I met a person who seemed to be my salvation, but it will be that I was wrong.
The first day we met, without knowing me, I went into the house and offered it to me whenever I needed it.
Flip. We kept
telephone contact day in and day out.
She said she needed someone to work helping out in your business but as I was by that time my aunt had said that he accepted, but at home.
said no problem.
began bunk freĆ­rme email, phone calls and Facebook messages asking me to do this or do that.
I did everything I asked without protest.
I asked to make a blog and I did.
I asked to do small assemblies with Photoshop and within my ability, did.
I asked to call X sites and look for directions and he did.
He asked me to visit so and so and continued to do so.
But there comes a point in my time that I saw no economic benefit and started to piss.
Logical, no?
But despite my anger I was doing everything asked of me.
Every time I went home put his hand on your computer because he had had no where to catch him and ordered all for nothing, because when I came home and I was calling for him to explain (again) all that had already explained previously and verse face to face .
few months later when my aunt died, I thought "Now I can accept that proposal"
and I commented.
He told me to look for an apartment for rent at home because I could not have.
Let me find a rental apartment? I'll pay enough to keep 2 homes and support myself? I was about even, to save something?
His answer was no. That would be a modest salary.
I refused.
was not the plan.
addition of a bitch to the bed? No way!
Contact was down because I was up to himself that took advantage of me and I did not see any benefit.
was as if my time worthless.
And a couple of months ago we went back to get in touch.
I again say that work from home and, reluctantly, accept.
I told him that someone might need what your business offers.
was excited and asked me please to talk to this person and I did.
is going good ....
When filing were a couple of fringe ... skipped town without saying mu!
I left in the lurch and the ass in the air!
not call or anything.
tried to contact but there was no way, so I stopped.
And suddenly, as he does not want the thing, send me an email a couple of days dicendo who had been out of Spain and if that business was still standing.
Fuck me!
as hell going to follow up 2 months after you to get out without a peep?
Respond to this email and I was clear, that if I wanted fish that gets wet ass. That ugly
after leaving me more than I did a butt shot that I did not lift a finger because I liked their heads in shame.
It's that simple.
Now has shown that face and that there is any business going but .... DO NOT MIND ME!
As if all the credit was theirs.
Fuck me!
I will try not to make me more bad blood that's not good for ulcers and I have enough with what I have to eat more coconuts.
Smoke and Mirrors.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Carpenters License Requirements

The Revelion alter-ego

I want to do a favor?
is simple.
want to wake the fuck up and realize that you are nothing and never would you be?
Watch your fucking phone.
many calls you receive per day?
many sms? Already
I tell you: zero. That
quedra say something?
not you get it?
I'll explain.
No one cares. You are a negligible
You're nobody for more than try to be. You are a miserable
you a more in the total number of entities that inhabit this planet.
No trade or profit.
not think you do not call because they are busy or do not have time.
is because they do not give a shit about your life miserable and disgusting.
Do not be deluded, dammit!
Everyone has a life and do not want to hear anyone's misery.
If you want to only have to open a newspaper or watch the news on the boob tube.
How many times have you been told you stop calling?
Because in your effort to maintain some contact with other people harass them, overwhelmed, tides and stripes and we do not hold anyone.
You focus on you and only you.
How many times have you been called selfish egomaniac?
few, right?
Wise up, dammit! Now do not go
What if you do not maliciously, that if you have to understand you because you are not going your best moment ....
People get tired of so many victims and so much negativity that appears on all four sides and away from you as if you were a leper.
You among a damn time you wear that fucking ball above the shoulders with air.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is It Ok To Have A Period With Mucus In It

I have nothing new to say.
I have nothing new to say.
I have nothing. Only
I have you in the distance and that is not enough anymore.
I want you here and now.
can be?
No. I know I did not.
Nike's slogan "Impossible is Nothing" Me and You is not applicable.
I get tired of waiting.
I know that I read, but either I say so or not be able to tell you in the face.
When I see you I can.
I beat it and all I had thought tell evaporates.
You have that power over me. That
that only you know. I would
backs to the wall but with that ultimatum and do not want to lose you.
If I lose, I have left?
My loneliness, that friend who always accompanies me in the good and bad.
Not bad when you search, but when forced .... is a heavy burden.
You help me carry it, but less and less.
may not be just that and is doing so immense that I can not alone with her.
I know I must move on but I find it hard.
You know it better than anyone, right?
many mornings I got out, I will be looked in the mirror and I have said, throw in the towel? Countless
are since I can not remember the time.
I go back and everything is different.
An impossible wish, like to have you with me forever.
Dreaming is free (for now)
So I'll keep dreaming that I live in an eternal nightmare, which will end at some point.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Monica Roccaforte With The Priest

Nothing new to say Christmas, dammit. I got over it.

first Christmas alone.

Si. With indirect but one family. The
exceeded. Do not ask me but I did like without going crazier than I already am.
Day 24: Dinner at the home of the brothers. At 2 in my house, in bed.
Day 25: lunch at the home of the brothers. At 18 in my house.
In those days I met could have been Harry Potter's cousin 2 of my bf, who came with his mother from Gaul to happen here that time.

not talk much with them but it looked nice. I'm Invited
see Paris from the hand of them, so when you have encouragement and I may be leftover EURET.
Just maybe.
And bring me gifts. Totally unexpected for me.

Day 31: Dinner at the home of the mother. At 1 in MY town. At 8 at home. There was no desire to have fun.

Day 1: dinner at the home of the mother. At 18 in my house.
I thought, fig, which would come out with the brothers and their friends but as my bf is rarer than a green dog and has good vibes with his bro .. ended up going alone (as always)
There was a lot of people say in Portugalete.
With the thing that had meters all night, it was clear that people chose to go to Bilbao party favors. The stations
chonis and canis could see more tuned / as their cars. Anden
Bilbao address: elegance, glamor and all-tacky. Anden
Santurce direction: the rabble (osease Mendes)
You could go to bars to play. Drinking
And they had a very high price (7 € on average)

jug or perhaps was not losing customers due to the anti-snuff Act chose to leave that price.
a waitress told me the ban began on day 2.
So I dedicate to smoke without problem, until a non-smoker almost eat me in one of the kittens.
did not have to breathe my shit I said.
Let me go to the fucking street.
Vamos! Fuck me!
I'm entering a security officer to mediate between the past because that was the Guan and bad milk that sings to my bf almost done wrong there.
Even the owner apologized and invited us to a round.
disbelief lords / as! Finish
these days of food to the ovaries and support as the mother and brother told me to stop eating, I was looking to Falete.

hate them.
If, as it as. If you do not like because they do not like.
give them!
Debates on quitting smoking. Attacking me.
I smoke because I feel like and respect non-smokers.
will fulfill the law but do not quit.
is that if you attempt to gain weight and be more like the doll Michelin but in person.

So let me poison me in peace.
fucking did not receive a sms in those days no one.
Cool, huh?
I received one from Argentina: My shocolatito, I wish that love cute passes. (Sic)
Si. The bastard that I almost ruined by all the holy hell sent me that.
No comments ...
can tell how much I appreciate the people and the many friends I have, right?
Perhaps I should cite a ... crisis?
Let it there.
But received some calls.
My cousin, inviting me to dinner with them when no I remember the many years that I was not invited to anything.
Things to hurt. I also call
Eva , but nice that pesetas.
A love domestic engineer.
And I got the call I am most excited to receive the only person who really matters to me: HIM.
He skipped everything I had to jump to call me and I became more bearable these days of shit. Worldwide
2.0 ( Twitter and Facebook ) if I got any more cards than others but ... Overcome
'll see if I get over 2011.
For now I start doing a course ... Almacenera / carter.
If I need is curro dammit! and do short course that will allow me to spend money to travel and I have no need for other things, pay the mortgage for example.
But whatever happens, will survive.
all I have is clear.
you plant them and pull ahead to 2011 p'alante.
With balls.