Sunday, November 27, 2005

Recall Letter To Dental Hygienist

Return. Early

First of all: My apologies for not writing for so long. I have been busy and had not addressed this.

Second: To all the people that left me comments and / or compliments: Thank you. Seriously I like you like what I write. I wish I could comment on their pages but have very little time to go "leaving evidence" of my visit, but I have some blogs on my favorites list and always see the blog of any commentator again. Thanks for you if you take the time to write.

Third: One of the reasons why he had not written anything was because my "muse" and I had (and have) a very rough patch. I am of those who do not believe in this "take some time" and ordered it. Nor do I believe in it to end and back. Then ended. And then we came back. And when we were together I'd rather read or talk and kiss him when we were apart I called or went to look for love and then left half the guilt. It was very hard. It still is, so I write about sex with Marco is difficult. And writing about sex alone was not easy because when I did I went the nostalgia of wishing it was him who I play.

After these explanations is and the post.

Marco and I have ever talked about having sex "in team." Ie: invite someone to fuck with us. And we have not reached any agreement. He wants to me and another woman and I want to do with him and another man. A

neither seems attractive to see the naked body of a person of the same sex so close. Or even touch us. I respect the people's sexual preferences but feel some breasts attached to me or play with my hands as I play it when I masturbate ... well ... I'm excited.

Besides that I do not enjoy. I'm very, very jealous. Could not the image of another woman is kissing and clutching my brand. Besides, what would become a competition to see who does more to enjoy Marco and I doubt I felt rich.

Marco told me that he also is encouraged for the same reasons I give. He does not like the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing other licking and cock ducking and no bodies to compare with him.

Respect (and half-envy) to whom they can invite more people to your bed. Or even trade partners. But I'd rather just see the naked body and sweat from my man and feel him touch me not knowing who this time or another that I suck. Besides I'd hate to see his face with pleasure as I compete as desperate to "beat" the other chick who also is caressing.


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