s right. I have a dream, the name by which he meets a famous speech delivered by the Rev. Martin Luther King. He said he dreamed of that one day the black men and whites could live together in harmony and equality. Almost 40 years after the death of Martin Luther King, his dream is realized. A black person is the leader of the world's most powerful nation.
Barack Hussein Obama, is to bring some hope to a nation that in recent years has been decayed world power status. Lididar will have to many problems now facing the United States, a serious crisis, a war not yet won, a fiscal deficit of 700 billion dollars among many others. Hopefully the hope and change we sold in his presidential campaign is not alone in that, in a speech, but it really achieve implementation.
Indeed, on Tuesday January 20, 2009 was a day that changed the world, and that by tomorrow everything will be seen differently.
Did you know ...
Because mistakes were made in the oath for president, has spoken of the possibility of repeating?
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