Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Has Stephen Hawking Lived So Long

.... Questions

Childhood ... which is nice. In my 19 years, 15 of them and I am lifted December 25 to see what Santa Claus brought me .... yes, Santa does exist! Right? : '(

My reactions of surprise and joy to receive the gifts were almost identical to those ... the only deiferencia is that they were recorded:

Received an N64 .... I remember that day:' (

They brought him a Wii!

And on a PS3

Or a simple Pokemon card

But to him, did not give your XBOX 360 ...

His parents paid ... when left in an abandoned asylum do that.

So you know, be good with children, can not always please them, but neither is it break my heart.

PD. I'm not dead I'm out partying ... and not posted so frequently. : P


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