Thursday, July 31, 2008
Usb Ultra Pro Technology
Or rather, as a kid?
I do not think big to be a half feet tall and 2 years, but this girl if. I challenge you to answer the geography questions you do and no mistake.
And corrects the pronunciation of Mexico!
NPC Seen
Dr Michael Prytula Reviews

This computer will be given to students at the modest sum of 50 Euros, something like 78 dollars.
I can imagine that serve the "classmate" ... would use it for anything but take notes.
Want to know more? The news
Monday, July 21, 2008
2m Collinear Antenna Design
In ancient times, where the Church was closely linked to state or in some cases was the state is obliged to pay impuesos that were destined for churches. In what is now called "charity", formerly called as tithe or tax.
Now, with that of religious freedom and democracy, few governments collect taxes of this kind, but several European countries one way or another "advanced" than continue to claim a tax called "Church tax", which is addressed to the Churches .
In Germany, you're part of a religious group, both Catholic and Protestant costs should pay a tax Kirchensteuer call it, it is intended entirely to the representations of the Churches both Catholic and Protestant. This tax is based on the Constitution of Weimar in 1919 and the subsequent constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is charged based on current tax laws.
So how much is it? First, in Germany imposed a tax on income or Einkommensteuer according to the annual income the person has or marriage, ranging from 15% to 42% of annual income. And this tax are added others of a different nature and in value added tax (VAT) or Kirchensteuer Mehrwertsteuer and that is what interests us. The Kirchensteuer ranging from 8% to 9% of income tax.
With a little math, and assuming that the tax payable would be the lowest, I mean 15% end up paying something like 1.35% of your annual income asist every Sunday to church.
As additional data, 70% of the revenues of the churches is graicas the contributions of government. And according to an article in the NY Times, asegira that many Germans are no longer part of religious institutions that refuse to pay the tax.
I find it somewhat incongruous that a country with Germany priemer world, situations arise as they describe. But then, good or bad the Germans pay taxes and help their country. In Mexico we complain about paying tax for using our cars and polluting the environment. Although we observe that in Germany if taxes are used the most appropriate and are not lost out there in pockets of officials. But as commercial lady said, that's another story.
¿Quiere saber más?
Blog de Chofas, una mexicana de aventura por alemania ( De aqui me enteré que existía esto)
Church Tax ( En inglés)
Impuestos Alemanes (En inglés)
Church Tax en el NY Times (En inglés)
Los dejo con Caballo de Troya de Tierra Santa ( aunque ahi diga Mago de Oz)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
How To Set Up Independent Living Facilities
Como ya han de saber, el viernes pasado salio a la venta in different countries, the new product from Apple, the Iphone. Following the launch of several traditions of apple products, the ranks of fanboy, geeks and other people who "love" what Apple did not wait touches on several Apple Stores in the U.S.. Mexico
But something else happens, the expectation when it announced the iPhone 3G was more for the fees they would charge for the features you would have the new phone.
And for now that are disclosed fees and the Iphone and went on the market, more than one of the dubbed as excessive. That's right, in Mexico there were no rows, no party, just potential customers dissatisfied with excessive fees that Telcel wants to charge.
Up has created a website that tries to spread the message "Nel Telcel" . And no one is against the iPhone, the gadget is perfect, the latest in technology. But the rates suggest that lowering one megabyte with the Iphone is like finding oil.
And here are als rates:
Price | Voice | Data | Posts | Extra Voice | Extra KB | Extra Post | iPhone 8GB | iPhone 16GB |
$ 459 | 200 minutes | 100 MB | 100 | $ 1.15 ($ 3.45) | $ .04 | $ .85 | $ 3.419 | $ 4.689 |
$ 599 | 300 minutes | 150 MB | 150 | $ 1.15 ($ 3.45) | $ .04 $ .85 | $ 2.159 $ 3.419 | ||
$ 799 | 400 minutes 200 MB | 200 | $ 1.15 ($ 3.45) | $ .04 $ .85 $ 889 | $ 2.159 |
The cheapest: 200 minutes, bah I do not speak much. 100 messages since not send lots of messages. 100 mb that's nothing!
Assuming that you end up with the 200mb of the more expensive plan and will pay $ .04 per KB extra, go to:
google would cost you $ 0,612, besides the search page of google $ 13.3
If my math does not fail, would you pay $ 40.96 for MB are smoked!
And the fine print I say:
Due to the high consumption of data that can be generated in the Internet connection is recommended to hire an unlimited data package. But do not say how much it costs per month this plan.
Finally, there is no other to break the monopoly and not buy Iphone.
And as I say sometimes "After qeu not wanted", I have many resources available, and the few I have I'd rather spend on other things. I'll stick with my nokia and my $ 350 fee per call of Movistar, 6 pesito 20 minutes. = D
* The weight of the home page gogle was 15.3kb, and search page to search of 34.5Kb Iphone was. Dato
extra: 1mb = 1024kb by Please do not occur to Telcel say that is equal to 1000KB, because many people (including me) will be forced to kill them.
Want to know more?
Iphone 3G (needless to say, excellent device)
I leave in daylight - Enanitos verdes
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Double Go Kart Blueprints
Well, for starters ... and those who do not know that I speak. Electoral reform is a bill that is being supported from the Senate to make some changes in Mexican democracy, particularly in political campaigns. There are several points that includes the Reformation, but TV Azteca directly attacks this:
are prohibited campaigns and messages that denigrate institutions, political parties, candidates or persons.Well, of course in a modern democracy as we pretend to be, should not be disqualifying walking or cursing to the opponent (cof.. .. Cof cof cof 2006). Sounds like a good idea what is intended, to end once and for all the dirty war. The problem is, and someone who reads this is a lawyer, laws tend to be interpreted in many ways, and if some politician does not like to be recognized to make a parody Sunday program, puts demand, based on this law and the dude who came up parody ... He loads the clown!
course, TV Azteca trying to "inform" reports that, according to his notes, "Great intende to apply the gag rule." But do not say, is that they are against the law for this one point that touches:
is established that during the electoral process, political parties, their candidates and candidates have access to radio and television through official time (time and time state prosecutors).
And this:
It decreases the duration of the campaign (90 days when selecting the President of the Republic and 60 days when only elected federal representatives).
One more:
Brought out campaigns advanced.And finally:
It limits the influence of money on the outcome of elections (the earmarks 60% of their resources to buy space on radio and television), establishing a new relationship between radio and television and parties and candidates.All these points lead us to cite only one thing .... less money for television.
- The first, the official time is not charged, which means that elections will not receive broadcast stations large amounts of money on advertising than in the past.
- The second, well the more the campaign lasted, the longer commercials vendeían.
- Third, some pre-pre-pre-candidates began broadcasting commercials you (Most of the time showed his family embraced under the Christmas tree ..... in a nutshell, they wanted to look good) what that meant some extra money.
- And last, some genius thought that the more you spend on commercials, more votes would have .... FALSE! (Dr. Simi you heard!). The great enthusiasm for the games had to spend money to invest outside the only offer 60% of funding granted to them by IFE in advertising.
to finish, not bad to try to report on Freedom of Expression, I doubt if you ask me to apply as they say, so if that bothers me is if you try to use your signal to desinformal population and not tell the whole story.
And so it has always been TV Azteca, remember the campaign against Casa Saba? Owned pharmaceutical group Isaac Saba, a businessman who dared to break the duopoly television to try to bring a third string open to Mexico as between TV Azteca and Televisa, literally ate it up, and then we know the end of the story with the television So nobody messes monopolistic. Erick Diaz
Friday, July 4, 2008
Dog Eats Sanitary Napkin
Well you see, wear glasses since age 6, I remember being in high school and 2 of CGT was complete. Since the primary battle to see the blackboard and stuff, then came high school where I had the brilliant idea to sit back and fence was a large room.
Finally, the need for glasses was really necessary (Oh! Missing quotes and my name), came to the point of becoming a victim of ailments in my big head ... so no choice but to spend 1000 pesos that cost my first Treasury bills.
And if you think the city a lot .... NO!, Were very resistant .. to tell them to sleep and put to one side of the bed (on one side of the bed means: in bed but at my side: P) they woke up.
Well ... now I have others .. and I think his days are numbered, I can not see well so I'll have to get another.
And you will say it .. What the hell I care if you have other lenses ?.... haha for nothing, just wanted to make a good story to show you this, that hopefully so is my next eye exam.

Laugh! Seen
No Muscia will change that takes very little is ... apart is the anthem of America! who else wants
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Prostate Infection Antibiotics
Undoubtedly there are many terrible diseases, and they may not wish on anyone. But the cancer is cooked separately, the treatment involved is terrible, because if you decide not to take it, you'll have the days counted. The simple fact of knowing that you will die terrifies me, what do you think?, What do you do? and unanswered question Why me?.
Certainly those who choose to confront the disease are very brave, hungry to live and thrive. Why I say this? Well, I've been a regular reader for almost 2 years. But always read news to Yesterday I gave a look at the forums. And there in America forum, I found a Post-it, who said Faviokos and my fight against cancer . There, the American co Faviokos explained to the community the problem is and says clearly "this is not a subject for pity ... as opposed to an issue for us to put great care in the prevention and rapid resolution of our problems. " As he said, trying to help his friends member, whenever he can, makes any comments about his treatment and his thoughts, was a newspaper which was simply to contribute something to the prevention of the disease.
Now, a week of his death (June 23, 2008) participation at issue is not stop, giving messages of encouragement to the family and thank the good Faviokos. Which brings me to something else, which is the great love that you can have a friend who does not know more than what you type in any forum, blog or messenger, great appreciation is the example you give, over 30 pages of forum messages of encouragement.
are the wonders of this technology, hopefully one day be used to find cures for these diseases. Meanwhile, take as an example the friend Faviokos, Leean your comments, always in good humor, always wanting to live.
As firms say the MT community "Faviokos: An eagle has reached the sky"
Rest in peace brother
And so why not? I leave with the anthem of America