Friday, April 14, 2006

Reptile Ceramic Heater

After writing the previous post did not go much with Marco.

only gave me realize that yes I missed him. Yes always wanted. I say ... I do not know.

I never liked that "let's take some time." It always seemed a cowardly way of ending a relationship. But this time I had to accept that is not entirely a bad idea.

was not that I asked for "some time" to Marco. I cut myself. But I'm back to ask her to be my boyfriend again. We said it was like a "break."

Such things really work. They make you appreciate what you have and realize if customary or really love. But it works if you take a long time. About two weeks at least. Enough to see if you change that to take 1 day or two and be convinced what they think and feel. Maybe there are people who need more time than I needed, maybe need less, but I realized that my days were not the same. Yes, how corny, but it's true. My daily routine was boring and my nights unbearable. I went, I danced, I went for a walk ... but I was not "free" or "happy" or "complete." Quite the opposite. I kept remembering.

I had to swallow my pride and go knocking on your door. I had to explain what he thought and felt. I had to wait for him to go home with an answer and accept some conditions.

Sex? is good. My orgasms are not as frequent, mainly because I spend thinking about whether it will be good or not as I do, but I am slowly regaining my confidence.

In conclusion, not bad given time. As long as not every month.


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