that I was pretty let down by Madriles and Thursday I looked out there.
It was a visit as always to see my girls and One meeting was twitterers. No.
visitilla was a radio, specifically directed to the program RNE Juan Ramón Lucas "On days like today "
About 8 o'clock in the morning and walked for Prado del Rey.
better not say what time I left home but I will say it was Wednesday for reference ...
After passing the control, I arrived at La Casa de la Radio, building which is the study of the program.
my name to Miss reception and dropped Ratin majete moo guy to take me to the studio.
I must say that the elevators that go there as a little for free. You gave up and did not move down and you gave up. Majete
let me type in the control room from where I was made to look like the program.
Everyone I was around seemed mu majuna.
told me that if I needed something that request but as, but not enough, I'm pretty Cortade, I was looking quietica without saying moo. He had been a ratejo
of miranda and sympathetic girl I mu enter with Juanra said that he will not make much noise.
And there I was, seeing as in a live radio show with one of the best professionals.
activity there is frantic, much more than on TV with the advantage that they are seen as not having a little more freedom when it comes to "relax" live.
I expected there to see Daniel Martinez, Roberto Lopez and Monica Chaparro ( the singing voices of "The Look citrus" ) but I was disappointed.
At least I saw Fernando Ramos, andalú room.

Partners and out, moving quickly from one to another subject. Much
moviento as not to get bored, come on.
On the 11 appeared to be the highlight of the morning, Weasley twins.
Yes, those redheads who appear in Harry Potter.

The age girls who were almost killed when they saw them enter.
The interview was very pleasant and not so small as I thought it would.
Around 11:30 they went and that was what it was given.
Since I was there I could not return if the corresponding picture, so I jumped to try to get fanners.
And got it, of course!
But that to me was not the best visitilla.

Best Juanra was able to meet, a very majuno, near super nice addition to any piece of professional.
One of the program was invited to Miss Ana Mato peper and there was a moment in which he accused of impartiality TVE (more or less)
Juanra the cut in the same way he did to Ana Pastor Cospedal pains.
To make the wave!
the end of the program thanking Juanra I left everything and promised to return (if they let me, of course)
's not boring at all go to the radio, though one might think so and so return.