Friday, July 16, 2010

Reflexology For Gas And Bloating

With you notes from my notebook

As in Atenco and in Oaxaca, as in Guerrero, Mexico and throughout the state, become a device that produces terror (Latin terrere "frighten, scare, scare, terrify") has violated the rights of teachers, to kidnap, with great violence, teachers of the democratic bloc in Chiapas. As always, the power up has dropped his bestial claw and break up the union struggle aims. That struggle is uncomfortable state, illegal, is the struggle for the welfare of us journal: the workers.

Stop abductions against the teachers Chiapas state.

Freedom to p EACHERS

  • Carlos Misael López Palma
  • Bamaca Pedro Gomez
  • Myron Alberto Vazquez

Raúl Vázquez Espinosa


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