How To Remain Invisible On Facebook Chat
Alexander ago, to consider
The simpler parts of a story are:
• The introduction: should explain the character, place and time it happens and why it happens.
For example: When you came to town he thought of his girlfriend Jacinto Remedios. It was the time harvest in his village. However, Jacinto had been thinking about his future. • The knot or core, is when the characters are in trouble and where the whole story unfolds.
For example: Remedios would have none of it. Jacinto recalled that when he left town she said she never see her again. But Jancito not think the same. See her again much later. When he decided to come back and leave everything. • The outcome: it may be sad, happy, unexpected or tragic.
For example: Closing the front door smiling Remedies embraced her new husband. Jacinto saw them from afar. Mute with terror could not stop. A knot of tears suddenly filled him.
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