Saturday, June 7, 2008

7months Baby With Viral Infection

Merida Initiative

In recent days, one of the most important topics of conversation is the Initiative Merida. But what is it? What is the point? T Why the fuss?!. Well, for that is the purpose of this post.

First of all, we know that Mexico is one of the main corridors dorge going to the U.S. market. Daily moving thousands of dollars in drugs, which aim at the hands of addicts gringos. To combat this, the Mexican government has maintained a tough fight for several years, and with the input of the current president was intensified to the point that now is called a "war on drugs." Like any police mobilization, it takes many resources to the fight against drug trafficking. These resources come from the time the federal government to the different Institutions in charge of security.

In an effort to curb the growing influence of drug cartels in Mexico also safeguard the security of both Mexico and the United States, the government of that country a bilateral cooperation plan denomidado Merida Initiative (also called Plan Merida Mexico or Plan), which was first introduced in October last year. This program of cooperation is a strategy to provide resources, technology and training for agencies involved in combating drug trafficking in Mexico and in Central America.

Since that time, the Merida Initiative had been left out and not go through the approval of U.S. lawmakers. A few weeks ago was finally approved after a series of cuts and conditions. Under the terms they proposed was that the military and police officers who would receive the aid are not involved in human rights abuses or corruption, the U.S. government also has access to a database containing information from both the police and the army order to "track" the use of aid money.

Given such conditions, the government of Mexico qualify as unacceptable the aid because they consider clear violations of national sovereignty.

But my criticism: P

First of all, the aid would receive Mexico and other Central American countries is nothing but a clear effort to stop the flow of drugs to their country, but what the U.S. lacks is effort to combat the consumption, which is why cartels are fighting to maintain control of different parts of Mexico to ensure traffic to the United States. The United States first and foremost, they need to advance in the fight against drug entry into the country so as to stop having so addicted to that side.

Moreover, the conditions that support makes me look like a Tanren irrational and contradictory time. Irrational as to be a problem that you cause yourself, you are nothing but trouble contributing to the fight, and the money supply too despite yourself you can not determine in this way. True, it's your money and theirs, but we also have to be realistic, also Mexico invests your money in the fight against drugs and as I said before, is governess to be going most of the drug that goes through here . They are also contradictory because they are the main proponents of breaking international law to seek justice, or forget Guantanamo, or the crimes committed in Iraq, and is not to say "The end justifies the means" if not tell them that first make a self-evaluation before attempting to evaluate other countries.

After all, the Mexican government's position is to my right. Do not accept that help, because those conditions. In the words of Secretary of Government, such aid were asked and did not accept unilateral decisions that the last order is with bilateral support. Hopefully the DESELAC

history in the coming weeks, so soon has sparked much discussion within the U.S. authorities on the initiative.

Hopefully the outcome will be to achieve order and peace that we citizens, we can live in peace and without fear that cartels cause. Erick Diaz


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