Indians invade us!
So for the next tournament I look forward to taking on their real chiefs for the Aguilas del America golearlos. = D
Ahi be for other
not reached and stayed in the semifinals, I must say that for my taste Monterrey deserved a pass, but so is this. A good game full of excitement and goals. I confess I did not see the goals from Monterrey that every time I would put them: @
The final Santos vs Cruz Azul is my favorite Saints. Sorry but comrades cruzazulinos so is this;)
PD1: Did you know that the bar Juarez Indios de Ciudad calling itself "The Juarez Cartel, which eeehhh original.
PD2: I've never seen a game that had time to drink. It was weird but also necessary. The heat of the devil over here!
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